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A Year at Phoenix: 365 Days of Support
Make it Monthly this March and Make a Difference!
The month of March is here, and the coldest months of the year are (hopefully!) behind us. And with this sense of renewed energy for the year ahead, over the next few weeks we will be sharing just some of the monthly highlights in our Phoenix calendar.
2024 Phoenix Holiday Wishlist
Support youth and families in our community this holiday season! Donate items from our wishlist, or host a donation drive with your school, workplace, or community group!
Mo Kenney and Asiah Sparks Confirmed to Perform at the 2024 Phoenix Holiday Luncheon!
We’re thrilled to announce the incredibly talented performers who will be making appearances at this year’s Holiday Luncheon - it’s Mo Kenney and Asiah Sparks!
You’re Invited! Tickets to the 2024 Phoenix Holiday Luncheon are Available Now!
It's that time of year again! The 2024 Phoenix Holiday Luncheon is happening on December 3rd and you're invited! Get your tickets by November 27th!
Watch: Thank You to our Caring Community!
Check out our latest video on YouTube, and hear from our frontline staff on what your support means to us and the work we do.
Celebrating Young Leaders and Our Collective Impact!
Phoenix celebrates International Youth Day and National Nonprofit Day! Learn about our collective impact and young changemakers who leading the way in their community!
Report to the Community 2023-2024
Learn about Phoenix's approach to working with youth, families, and communities, our position as advocates for social justice and human rights, and read personal accounts from our incredible youth, staff, and volunteers.
Dignified Housing is Needed Now
Housing is a human right. Everyone can agree that encampments and shelters are not dignified solutions that support the human right to housing. The conversation in our community has been swept into the debate of whether encampments should exist or be criminalized.
Home for the Holidays
21-year-old JC is excited to celebrate the first Christmas in her new apartment with her two sons, but less than a year ago, she never imagined that this would be her story. "My boys were born into homelessness... but now the possibilities are endless."
2023 Phoenix Holiday Wishlist
Support youth and families in our community this holiday season! Donate items from our wishlist, or host a donation drive with your school, workplace, or community group!
Report to the Community 2022-2023
Learn about Phoenix's approach to working with youth, families, and communities, our position as advocates for social justice and human rights, and read personal accounts from our incredible youth, staff, and volunteers.
Phoenix Statement on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
On this inaugural National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we recognize and reflect upon the tragic history and ongoing legacy of the Canadian residential school system. Up until 1996 over 150,000 children were forced to attend residential schools across Canada. Thousands, estimates range from 3200-6000, didn't return home, and those who did were left with the effects of severe, persistent trauma.