August 17th is National Nonprofit Day, a day dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the meaningful work of nonprofit organizations, and those who support their efforts to serve communities.
News & Media
Keeping connected with our community!
We are excited to share this year’s Report to the Community with you! Learn about Phoenix's approach to working with youth, families, and communities, our position as advocates for social justice and human rights, and read personal accounts from our incredible youth, staff, and volunteers.
Thank you and we hope you enjoy this year’s report!
February 23rd, 2024
Dignified Housing is Needed Now
Housing is a human right. Everyone can agree that encampments and shelters are not dignified solutions that support the human right to housing. The conversation in our community has been swept into the debate of whether encampments should exist or be criminalized.
Home for the Holidays
21-year-old JC is excited to celebrate the first Christmas in her new apartment with her two sons, but less than a year ago, she never imagined that this would be her story. "My boys were born into homelessness... but now the possibilities are endless."