News & Media

The latest and greatest news, media, reports and stories from Phoenix! Media inquires can be directed to  

November 21, 2020

In recognition of the 20th anniversary of National Housing Day (November 22, 2020), shelter providers Adsum for Women & Children, Out of the Cold Community Association, Phoenix Youth Programs, and Shelter Nova Scotia are jointly issuing a statement on the current state of housing in our community.

October 01, 2020

Walking in peace and friendship.

Phoenix Youth Programs stands in solidarity with the Mi'kmaq community in ensuring their treaty and human rights are honoured.

We make this statement in reference to treaty rights outline in the Peace and Friendship Treaties, as well as human rights outlined in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, including but not limited to: land, wildlife harvesting, self-government, decolonized education, appropriate housing, sanitation (clean water), health and social security.

June 15, 2020

Phoenix Youth Programs stands in solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter and African Nova Scotian, Black and racialized people in demanding justice for Black lives. Please read our full statement and commitment to the community.


June 11, 2020

We are here, and our community here with us! 

In this Report to the Community, you will read about the strength, determination, and resilience or Phoenix youth, and learn about the many people and groups who support youth on their journeys.

We hope you enjoy reading the 2019-20 Report to the Community!
