News & Media

The latest and greatest news, media, reports and stories from Phoenix! Media inquires can be directed to  

September 29, 2021

On this inaugural National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, we recognize and reflect upon the tragic history and ongoing legacy of the Canadian residential school system. Up until 1996 over 150,000 children were forced to attend residential schools across Canada. Thousands, estimates range from 3200-6000, didn't return home, and those who did were left with the effects of severe, persistent trauma.

July 26, 2021

Keeping connected with our community!

In this Report to the Community, you will read about the tenacity and strength of Phoenix youth through the pandemic, and learn how Phoenix continued to provide much needed support during this challenging time.

We hope you enjoy reading this year's report!

March 24, 2021

Phoenix stands in solidarity against anti-Asian racism and we strongly denounce racist and violent attacks against Asians in Canada and around the world. Please read our full statement below.

March 09, 2021

In 2020, Phoenix contracted Ren Thomas, Urban Consulting and Research to better understand the housing crisis in the Halifax region for youth and to study promising housing models for potential development as part of the Bedrock Project.

The Housing for Youth Research and Modelling Study draws on information from youth at various stages in their housing journey, housing and housing service providers from across Canada, Phoenix staff, and grey literature from a variety of sources to clearly paint the current housing picture and identify potential paths forward.
