News & Media

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November 07, 2016

RBC believes strongly in the importance of investing in young Canadians and vibrant communities. This summer they launched the #Make150Count campaign - a unique, feel-good initiative to celebrate Canada’s 150th anniversary. RBC gave $150 to thousands of youth across the country with no strings attached and encouraged them to do something great with it. Rae, a Phoenix youth, was among those selected.

November 03, 2016

A reflection by Shelter Key Worker Cheryl Sobie

At Phoenix we recognize the importance of engaging with youth in a way that opens up possibilities of creating a better future, not only for themselves, but for the world around them.

July 29, 2016

When Brittany was 17 years old she had high hopes for the future. She had graduated high school, was out on her own, and looking for a good job. But with no real training or work experience, that good job was hard to find.

At one point, she found herself out of work, out of food, and living with eight other people to make ends meet. Someone even stole her shoes.
