News & Media

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January 20, 2017

It was a special and moving moment when we unveiled our new Guardian Wall during the Phoenix Holiday Open house and hung the first two plaques for long-time supporters Canadian Progress Club Halifax Cornwallis & St. Paul’s Homes.

These two groups embody community. Without them Phoenix would not exist as we do today!

January 20, 2017

Every journey is different, but some have common ground.

Starting February 1st we will share a series of five stories that speak to the journeys of courgeous youth and the staff who have the privilege of working with them. The ‘chapters’ will unfold in a sequence of quotes that will be presented piece by piece on our website as they are posted to Twitter (@PhoenixHFX) over the five months. Follow along with the hastag: #PhoenixJourney 

January 20, 2017

What a perfect way to kick off the holiday season!  This year’s 26th annual Phoenix Holiday Luncheon had it all; an inspirational story from Phoenix youth, Rae, beautiful music performed by the Phoenix Community Choir, special guest Meaghan Smith and a festive three-course lunch. The Phoenix Holiday Luncheon is a way to celebrate the joy and hope of the season with friends, family, colleagues and clients.

January 20, 2017

by: Executive Director, Tim Crooks

1987 was the year when Aretha Franklin was the first woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Rick Hansen completed his Man in Motion world tour, the ‘loonie’ was minted and an agreement was reached on NAFTA. It was also the year that five community-minded Haligonians and St. Paul’s Home decided to trust the magic of new beginnings. Thinking back to this decision 30 years ago is both humbling and motivating.
