News & Media

The latest and greatest news, media, reports and stories from Phoenix! Media inquires can be directed to  

June 21, 2018

A new blog post from our community friend Deborah Woolway. Deborah wanted to get a firsthand look at the work of our programs. Using her skills as a writer and journalist, Deborah set out to tell the story of Phoenix through her personal blog. For her latest post, she visited the Phoenix Learning and Employment Centre.

Read Deborah’s blog Phoenix: A House and So Much More.

June 19, 2018

It seems like just yesterday that we were sewing curtains at Phoenix House and using a typewriter without a P! But here we are, 30 years later, offering a range of programs to support youth, their families and communities, as they pursue the futures they want in spite of challenging circumstances. We can only make tangible impacts because of you, our amazing community of supporters – our volunteers, our ambassadors, our funders, our community – our family. 

June 04, 2018

A new blog post from our community friend Deborah Woolway. Deborah wanted to get a firsthand look at the work of our programs. Using her skills as a writer and journalist, Deborah set out to tell the story of Phoenix through her personal blog. For her latest post, she visited the Phoenix Youth Shelter.

Read Deborah’s blog Phoenix: A House and So Much More.

April 30, 2018

Our community friend Deborah Woolway wanted to get a firsthand look at the work of our programs. Using her skills as a writer and journalist, Deborah set out to tell the story of Phoenix through her personal blog. Her blog starts with a visit to Phoenix's original program, Phoenix House.

Read Deborah’s blog Phoenix: A House and So Much More.
