Leaving a gift to Phoenix in your will is a thoughtful and personal investment in the future of your community. By doing so, your legacy will be a voice for social justice and will support Phoenix youth in their journey to thrive for many years to come. 

It is simple. Talk it over with your loved ones, then speak to your lawyer about drafting or revising your will.

It is a gift that gives back. With a tax receipt issued by Phoenix, it is an effective way to reduce personal taxes owed on death, and those potentially owed by your estate.

It can be altered. For as long as you are mentally capable of doing so, you can make changes to your will. That means that if you life situation changes and you want to increase or decrease your gift value, or remove it all together, you can easily do so by talking to your lawyer.

It will impact the future of youth. Did you know that even a gift in your will of 1% of your estate can make a real difference for future generations of youth and their families?

If you have any questions, please contact Erica at emore@phoenixyouth.ca or our main phone line 902.422.3105

Your Legacy. Their Future.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Leave a cash gift or a gift of stock/securities in your will is the most common legacy gift, however Phoenix also accepts stocks and securities, retirement funds (RRSPs, RRIFs, TFSAs) and life insurance. If you are interested in other legacy giving options such as real estate, personal property, and charitable remainder trusts, Phoenix requests that you contact our office to discuss it further. 

  • Specific Bequest: We/I give [dollar amount or number of shares for specific company] to Phoenix Youth Programs Charitable Foundation, Halifax, NS, (Charitable Registration # 881361216 RR0001) for the purpose of supporting the highest priority needs as determined by the organization.

    Residual Bequest: We/I give Phoenix Youth Programs Charitable Foundation, Halifax, NS, (Charitable Registration # 881361216 RR0001) [percentage %] of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate for the purpose of supporting the highest priority needs as determined by the organization.

    Contingent Bequest: If [name of beneficiaries] does not survive me, I give [dollar amount, number of shares for specific company, or percentage of the rest residue and remainder of my trust] to Phoenix Youth Programs Charitable Foundation, Halifax, NS, (Charitable Registration # 881361216 RR0001) for the purpose of supporting the highest priority needs as determined by the organization.

  • We recommend three simple steps:

    1. To choose the method of legacy giving that is best for you, consult with your financial advisor, estate lawyer, insurance advisor, and /or other experts as appropriate.

    2. Speak with your family members and loved ones to allow them time to understand and embrace your wishes.

    3. Share you decision with a staff member at Phoenix who would be more than happy to meet with you to discuss the impact that your gift will have.

  • We believe youth are leaders in their own lives, and Phoenix is a leader in supporting them. Since 1987, Phoenix has been dedicated to supporting youth and contributing to a vibrant community. Phoenix's numerous locations in Halifax, NS provide a continuum of care for youth ages 11-24 and their families. We offer important services and programs including shelter, food, housing support, health care, parenting support, recreation, education and employment services, and clinical therapy.

Legacy Donor Story

Leland Lewis: An Ordinary Man with an Extraordinary Impact

Leland Lewis cared deeply about the well-being of others and was committed to supporting those in his community who needed help. In 1998 he heard about Phoenix Youth Programs and began giving annual donations. He would continue steadfastly in his support for 21 years.

Leland passed away in March 2018, but in one final act of generosity and dedication, her left a gift of stock in his will for Phoenix. The impact of his legacy gift ensures youth can access the support they need.