
What a #nationalvolunteerweek it's been! Our people make us strong. Thank you to all who give their time and expertise because #youthmatter https://t.

What a it's been! Our people make us strong. Thank you to all who give their time and expertise because

Phoenix volunteers tend to take real interest in our programs, staff, youth & families. We are 30 years of grateful! #NationalVolunteerWeek https:

Phoenix volunteers tend to take real interest in our programs, staff, youth & families. We are 30 years of grateful!

4,700 hours spent in programs this year created more time for staff to work w/ one-on-one with youth #nationalvolunteerweek @intactinsurance https://t

4,700 hours spent in programs this year created more time for staff to work w/ one-on-one with youth

"The actions of our volunteers are being absorbed by the young people we work with.” Pat, Phoenix staff @Starbucks #nationalvolunteerweek

"The actions of our volunteers are being absorbed by the young people we work with.” Pat, Phoenix staff

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