
"A young person is able to participate in a job placement that will help to confirm her career choice." #PhoenixCheers #youthmatter

"A young person is able to participate in a job placement that will help to confirm her career choice."

"In the fall, staff took a group of youth to the Atlantic Fall Fair and apple picking in the valley. Youth had lots of positive things to say. They ev

"In the fall, staff took a group of youth to the Atlantic Fall Fair and apple picking in the valley. Youth had lots of positive things to say.

"A major hardware store agreed to take on a second job placement for a Phoenix youth after hiring the youth from the initial placement!" #PhoenixCheer

"A major hardware store agreed to take on a second job placement for a Phoenix youth after hiring the youth from the initial placement!"

"After two years of entry level employment, a young person obtained steady secure employment!" #PhoenixCheers #youthmatter

"After two years of entry level employment, a young person obtained steady secure employment!"

"A couple of our youth in our supportive housing program secured part time jobs and were very pleased with this new level of responsibility. Staff wi

"A couple of our youth in our supportive housing program secured part time jobs and were very pleased with this new level of responsibility.

"A young person registered for school and has excellent attendance despite having a ton on his plate!" #PhoenixCheers #youthmatter

"A young person registered for school and has excellent attendance despite having a ton on his plate!"

"We have had 2 youth successfully transition from the trustee program within the last few months and are living financially independent budgeting thei

"We have had 2 youth successfully transition from the trustee program within the last few months and are living financially independent budgeting their money and staying debt free!"

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