
Our staff are compassionate, enthusiastic professionals who love what they do!

In celebration of our 30th year, Phoenix presents PhoenixFolks. From July-September, 2017 we will share stories from some of Phoenix’s amazing staff team – their interests, what motivates them and how came to work at Phoenix. Each Friday a new chapter (or two) will be released. Our people make great things possible for youth, families and communities!

Community Engagement Manager
Organizer. Helper. Comedian.

“Volunteerism is extremely important to me, both professionally and personally."

Director of Operational Support
Runner. Fixer. Teammate.

“Phoenix is life changing. It’s true, it’s absolutely true. Phoenix changed my life."

Case Manager, Phoenix Centre for Youth
Mom. Singer. Future Swing Dancer.

“I wasn’t even out of school yet when I applied to work at Phoenix..."

Key Worker (Program Facilitator)
Planner. Cosplayer. Dancer.

“Phoenix youth are resilient - they’re also surprising. They are the most amazing people I’ve ever worked with."

IWK Community Mental Health Nurse
Helper. Listener. Crochetter.

"In high school, I was a shy, introverted person..."

Youth Outreach Worker
Advocate. Optimist. Traveller.

“I originally started off as a cook, attending taking the culinary arts program at NSCC right out of high school, but after a year, I decided that it wasn’t the lifestyle for me."

Acting Coordinator, Supportive Housing Program
Dad. Coach. Optimist

Phoenix Youth are amazing. There are so many adjectives to use: resilient, strong, courageous - they’re all there within youth. 

Housing Support Worker
Mother. Nature Lover. Avid Kayaker.

Phoenix is community and a place where youth determine and realise their potential.

Clinical Therapist
Mother. Learner. Nature Lover.

I grew up in a family where I learned that issues of social justice were important, that you need to contribute and that everyone should have equal access to the things that they need to thrive.