National Nonprofit Day 2024: Celebrating Our Collective Impact!

August 17th is National Nonprofit Day, a day dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the meaningful work of nonprofit organizations, and those who support their efforts to serve communities.

This past year has not been without hardships, yet the commitment of our staff, volunteers, and caring community members has never wavered. Every day we witness the life-changing work being done on the frontlines, the tireless dedication of our volunteers, and the heartfelt generosity of our donors.

Together, our collective impact is nothing short of remarkable.


In celebration of National Nonprofit Day, here are a few ways you can get involved with Phoenix Youth Programs and make a difference!

Make a Donation: As a nonprofit organization, we rely on the support of our community to be able to offer our programs and services. Make a gift today, or contact us to learn more!

Host a Fundraiser: Whether big or small, your project will help by raising essential funds, as well as a greater awareness about the services and programs Phoenix provides.

Volunteer With Us: Lend a hand by offering your time and talent as a volunteer! From workshops to tutoring, meal prep to gardening; there are many opportunities to explore.

Spread the Word: Share our posts on social media, or talk to family, friends, and colleagues to raise awareness about Phoenix's work in the community.





Staff Highlight: PHI Team Lead, Candice

Read our interview with Candice in this year's Report to the Community,
where she shares the journey that led her to working with Phoenix,
the lessons she's learned, and the importance of representation.